职场英语:Salary Negotiation 薪资协商

就业指南 2018-10-22 18:31:43 就业指南
[摘要]1 Being unprepared I get pretty frustratedas a recruiter when I ask somebody, What are your expectations as far as pay goes? [and they do not have就业指南


1. Being unprepared. "I get pretty frustratedas a recruiter when I ask somebody, 'What are your expectations as far as pay goes?' [and they do not have an answer]," says Warriner. She suggests doing some homework, and then determining what you'd like to earn. Warriner recommends several methods, including using salary information Web sites, talking to recruiters, asking friends who work in human resources, or connecting with local professional organizations that have salary information.
  Once you have a solid answer, practice it. Get in front of the mirror, look yourself in the eye and say, "I earned $55,000 at my last job and I am targeting the $60,000s in this job search." If you feel you were underpaid in your last gig but aren't sure about bringing it up, Warriner advises raising the topic in a positive light, underscoring that you'd like to increase your earnings as you make your next career move to better reflect your skills and experience.
  2. Playing games. Telling a prospective employer what you think they want to hear is risky business. "Oftentimes, a candidate will say that they are very flexible; that they are willing to take a step back in pay. Don't say you're really flexible if you're not," Warriner says. She points out that this approach assumes the company will be more invested in and attached to you at the end of the interview process, and therefore willing to offer you more money than you first asked for -- but they won't be.
  Warriner also discourages pitting offers against each other, such as going to your current employer and saying, "I'd like to stay here, but this other company is offering me more." She says, "Companies, especially these days, are not interested in candidates that are only interested in pay." Warriner believes this will likely result in a lost job offer, and lost respect for you from all companies involved in the process.
  3. Comparing apples to oranges. If you're changing careers or moving into a different industry, Warriner says you should tailor your salary expectations. For example, a person moving from a larger company to a smaller organization, or from a corporate outfit to a nonprofit, should expect lower pay. She suggests looking at factors beyond salary in these cases, such as the commute, benefits, the team you'll work with and industry experience you'll gain.
  4. Stringing a company along. When the time comes to say yes or no, you need to be ready. Warriner believes that "the comp package is something that should have been talked about during the entire process," so you shouldn't encounterany big surprises. If it really is the first time you're seeing the offer and you need time to review it, say something positive, such as, "I'm really happy to receive this offer. I am happy to work for this company. I just want to make sure I am seeing everything and would like tonight to think about it."
  5. Following bad advice. "A lot of advice on salary negotiation is really old-fashioned," says Warriner. "It is based on power plays and assumes that the company is being dishonest." Some examples include delaying the salary conversation as long as possible, not giving a salary range/figure, or delaying your response to an offer for a week. Taking this power-play approach may cause the company to be turned off by you.



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