
求职写作 2018-03-24 23:51:43 求职写作
[摘要]The average boss looks at a curriculum vitae for just three minutes while one in five make a decision on a candidate after perusing it for under a m求职写作>求职简历


  The average boss looks at a curriculum vitae for just three minutes while one in five make a decision on a candidate after perusing it for under a minute, new research suggests.


  Despite almost a quarter of candidates claiming they have excellent written communication skills, many of them fall foul of using worn clichés in their CVs, the survey of 2,000 from New College of the Humanities (NCH) found.


  Thousands will make silly mistakes on their CV, which in turn dampens their chances of becoming employed.


  Here are the top ten pet hates:


  1. Typos and grammatical errors

  1. 拼写和语法错误

  2. Overly casual tone

  2. 语气太随意

  3. Use of jargon and clichés

  3. 用语太行话或老套

  4. A CV more than two pages in length

  4. 简历长度超过两页

  5. Snazzy borders and backgrounds

  5. 简历边饰及背景时髦

  6. Writing in the third person

  6. 简历从第三人称的角度来写

  7. Inclusion of clip art or emojis

  7. 简历中包含剪贴画或表情符号

  8. The use of cringeworthy quotes

  8. 简历中的引用惹人嫌

  9. Unprofessional email address

  9. 邮箱地址显得小白(例如@前是一串数字或无厘头的字母组合)

  10. Unconventional font

  10. 字体特立独行(一般用的是Arial、Calibre或Times New Roman)



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